Move out of range when PROBE_CALIBRATE

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 5 Plus
Host / SBC: Raspberry Pi 3B

I know its somewhat of a known problem on here but everything i have read and tried did not work out. When Calibrating my Z offset for my BL touch my printer throws the error “Move out of range”. I already set my position_min to -6 but my printer won’t even go down to -1. I don’t know what to try next.

Hello @julstar !

There have been parts of the template you have deleted that asked for some more information.

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.

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Hello @EddyMI3D ,
thank you for your reply and for the tutorial. Took me some time but here is my klippy.log
klippy.log (125.5 KB)

You may set position_min in stepper_z to a slight negative value (-3 or so) so that the probe has the possibility to go there

step_pin = PL3
dir_pin = PL1
enable_pin = !PK0
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 4
endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_max = 400
position_min = 0  # <=============
homing_speed = 10.0

I already did that in the printer.cfg file. Do I have to do that in the Klippy.log file as well? Or am I not getting something? I also don’t know why it shows up like that in the Klippy.log file.

Your setup seems screwed.
Klipper expects the config in /home/pi/printer.cfg but you apparently edited /home/pi/klipper/config/printer-creality-ender5plus-2019.cfg

I’d recommend to start over and follow the official guides either:

Can’t I just rename the Config I already edited and put it where Klipper expects it?

You can do so, but the location /home/pi/printer.cfg is legacy and typically no longer used in today’s setup.
You will have to mess with your non-standard installation whenever you do something like installing webinterfaces or anything else. Your printer, your choice.

Thank you so much for your help!

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