Probe_calibrate range error doesn’t work anymore

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Elegoo Neptune 2S
MCU / Printerboard: ZNP Robin Nano 1.3

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue: I’m trying to get my z offset and I’m getting an out of range error. I got working once but it stopped now.

Day 1: add position_min =-2, run probe_calibrate, get z offset dialed in, accept, save_config, remove position_min, save, test print, nozzle is too high.

Here is where I’m running into an issue.

Day 2: add pos_min -2, probe_cali, testz to about -4 and anything more that I get a range error. Adjust pos_min to -8 and then -10 and run probe_cali again. Same deal moves about -4 and anything more than that it gives me an error.

No idea why it worked the first time and not any subsequent times.

Any suggestions would be helpful!
Thank you!!

Hello @FakeSpenny !

klippy.log would be helpful.

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Is your z_offset currently set to a non-zero value? Try setting it to zero, set position_min to -10, and run probe_calibrate again

I’m assuming that you currently have z_offset set to a value greater than 6 (you can consider that to be -6), and so when you set testz to -4 or greater, then you are pushing the position to beyond -10, hence the error.