Update cased issue, max deviation

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4, Klippy probe (purchased used prebuilt)
MCU / Printerboard: octopus
Host / SBC rpi 3 model B+

Describe your issue:

I currently have the error, "Klipper warnings found.

  • Option ‘max_deviation’ in section ‘z_calibration’ is deprecated."

What am I suppose to do to remove this error? I have tried the github update for protoloft/klipper_z_calibration, swapping the file and restarting via ssh and or host reset, yet error still persists!

klippy.log (327.9 KB)

fixed found in my auto.cfg

It is always helpful for others with similar issues when the solution is being presented and not only mentioned it was found.

Maybe you want to explain what exactly the issue was and how you could resolve it.


In my issue I couldn’t not find the location of said error, thus I looked at my auto.cfg and found that I had to uncomment #max_deviation, because its depreciated

It’s funny because I removed one error and now have another!!! Which is “!! Offset 1.040 is outside the configured range of min=-1.000 and max=1.000”

So now I’m on the hunt to fix this!

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