Bad print quality and z-offset not saving

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Wanhao d12
MCU / Printerboard: MKS robin nano v1.2
Host / SBC raspberry pi 4
klippy.log (2.5 MB)
moonraker.log (5.9 KB)

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Describe your issue:

good day

Please assist my z-offset does not want to work i set it under probe_calibrate but then when i start printing it digs into the bed and yet when i set it , it was set correctly and i need to adjust every print,

the quality of prints and extrustion dont want to get better ive done rotation distance and pressure advance please advise on what i am doing wrong or what have i missed

and now its giviing me the error Option ‘z_offset’ in section ‘bltouch’ must have minimum of 0.0 but it was working fine and i changed nothing in the Z-offset

Can you outline the complete procedure you’re using to set the Z axis offset?

The big question that you’ll get is did you follow:

and did you run SAVE_CONFIG after setting the probe height?

I home the machine , then input into the console PROBE_CALIBRATE
I use a post it note and get the nozzle to my preferred height , and then I save_config and the printer restarts

The only thing I have not done is Z tilt but I’ve done everything as per the documentation

Thanx for the clarification.

Two questions back:

  1. What kind of stepper drivers are you using? How have you confirmed the step specification is correct?
  2. What are you setting z_offset to before doing probe_calibrate? I just checked one of my printers that uses a BLTouch and I’ve set it to 0 before running `probe_calibrate’:
sensor_pin: PB4
control_pin: PB5
x_offset: 0
y_offset: -40
z_offset: 0
pin_move_time: 0.4
speed: 20

Have you done a Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE before SAVE_CONFIG?

So step specification yes I’ve checked they are correct

I’m using a MKS TMC2209 drivers

The Z-offset is set to 0.0

I cleared my printer.cfg folders and started fresh still digging into the bed

So what is the value of z_offset: after you do a probe_calibrate followed by save_config?

I have yes , and confirmed it’s applied in the printer.cfg

After it’s 0.053 there after I go check in the printer.cfg under the saved_config section and it shows the saved offset but the minute I start a print it digs into the bed

Could you please download and post the current printer.cfg that’s on your printer?

Could you go through the exact process that you use to set the Z-Offset?

klippy …log (5.0 MB)

printer.cfg (5.1 KB)


G28 home all axis


the manual probe menu appears, i decrease the value until i feel resistance on the post it note under the nozzle, once i am happy i click accept, i then insert Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE to which i get report back Nothing to do: Z Offset is 0 , I enter SAVE_CONFIG , the printer restarts I then confirm the new value in the PRINTER.CFG under the SAVED CONFIG section and then i attempt to print but no luck it goes straight into the bed

For clarification: PROBE_CALIBRATE is intended to calibrate the probe. It’s not meant to get the correct distance for the first layer.

For that, you may go with this:

Or this:

If I start the print and there after adjust the z-offset mid print it works fine but the next print I start does the same issue even with saving that z-offset

Thanx for the .cfg and log.

Could you try your [bltouch] as:

sensor_pin: PC4 #^PC4 
control_pin: PA8 
x_offset: -48
y_offset: 4
#$# stow_on_each_sample: false
#$# probe_with_touch_mode: false
#$# pin_up_reports_not_triggered: false
#$# pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: false
z_offset: 0.0

I don’t run with any of these and I’m wondering if they’re causing a problem.

As for this image:

It’s showing a “Z-Offset: 3.115” BUT in your printer.cfg it’s:

#*# z_offset = 0.677

Do you know which one is correct? If it’s the 3.115 then for some reason you’re not updating your printer.cfg which will lead to the nozzle digging in…

i’m not sure why the z-offset is saving as a negative when i set it to a positive see the pictures where i have set it to 2.610 but when i click save into the console it saves as -2.530


I uncommented the sections in the BL touch section
I redid the z-offset but its not saving the correct z-offset
but it still refuses to work
klippy.log (513.9 KB)
printer.cfg (5.1 KB)

Just looked and the offset value is 0.080.

Can you go through the following sequence and show me the results? I’m going through what I think you’re doing on one of my printers.

  1. Home your printer.
  2. Start PROBE_CALIBRATE and set it to the height you want it to be at (I use the paper test) and show the results before you click on “ACCEPT”:
  3. When you’re ready, click on “ACCEPT” and you should get the message to do a SAVE_CONFIG which includes the new probe: z_offset, please save a screenshot like:
  4. Enter SAVE_CONFIG and let the printer reboot. I should point out that before I Enter on SAVE_CONFIG, I move the Z axis up by 25mm so I don’t have to worry about toolhead crashes when I restart.
  5. Upon restart, look at your printer.cfg and post the new z_offset in the “SAVE_CONFIG” section at the end:
  6. Home your printer again and see where your Z = 0 point is in relation to where you were at step 3. (ie is the tension on the paper test the same?).

When I got to step 6, did a Homing All, I then down the same piece of paper I used for the original PROBE_CALIBRATE height in Step 2. and then moved the print head down to Z = 0.00 (as you can see in the final picture above) and checked to see if I got the same tension on the paper (which I did).

Could you repeat this, with screenshots so we can review the process and see if any problems appear?

Hi I have not yet been able to try this as the thermistor is now faulty so Klipper is shutting down once I replace it I will try and provide my findings thank you

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