Klipper Calibrate Question

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Artillery Sidewinder X2 running MainsailOS/Klipper
MCU / Printerboard: Artillery Ruby v1.2

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue:

klippy.log (2.1 MB)


I’m new to MainsailOS/Klipper and I’m in the process of calibrating using Klipper.

Klipper seems to forget the command TESTZ when I’m trying to calibrate with PROBE_CALIBRATE. What am I doing wrong?


You haven’t specified a “position_min” in your config, and so it defaults to zero. When you are running the probe_calibrate, you are moving the probe below the zero point and generating a “Move out of range” error, the error message indicates the Z axis was trying to move to z=-0.012. When the error gets generated, it cancels the probe_calibrate command, which is why TESTZ will no longer work. This is exactly what should happen, this is a safety mechanisim to stop the nozzle from crashing into the bed

The problem is caused by your current z_offset, which is set to 1.00, but your actual z_offset is larger than that, and that is causing the nozzle to go below zero while you are calibrating the probe. So before you start the probe calibrate, set the z_offset to a larger value (say 5) and then you should be able to successfully complete the probe_calibrate process. After you have done this once, and set the z_offset into the right ballpark, you won’t have this problem again. Just take your time doing the probe calibrate and lower the nozzle in small increments as you get closer to the bed and you’ll be fine.

Hope this helps

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That worked. Thanks!