Connection issue after flashing klipper.bin

Hi there,

I have an issue when flashing my klipper.bin via usb from my Raspbery Pi 3B to my Spider v2.2 board.

I am following this guide
I follow the guide

After I flashed the klipper.bin file I am able to find the serial connection to the board. using “ls /dev/serial/by-id”. But after power cycling the Spider board (and remove BT0/3.3V jumper). I am not able to acces the Spider board anymore.

See below the terminal window where you can see at the end (after power cycling the spider board), it can not acces the serial/by-id directory.

Screenshot 2023-01-29 203455

Which method (in Spider Klipper Firmware | Voron Documentation) did you use to flash your spider, DFU or SD card?

If it was the SD card, did you remember to change “klipper.bin” to “firmware.bin”? I mess that up in some way about 50% of the time when I’m doing an SD Card update.

Thank you for replying. I used DFU. I didn’t try to do it via UART yet (with SD flashing).

Sorry “UART” with SD Flashing? SD Flashing is independent of any communications with other systems.

Flashing is not done via UART indeed. What i mean is, as you can see in my added picture I was able to flash the firmware to the board. The problem I have is that after power cycling the Spider board I can not acces the board anymore. There are 2 ways of connecting to the spider board. it is via USB or via UART (GPIO14 & GPIO15 of the raspberry pi).

Maybe I should change the name of the discussion indeed

The way you wrote it, it sounded like the SD Card required the UART.

Just rereading the instructions, did you remember to remove jumper between BT0 and 3.3V? That’s another classic mistake I make.

Sorry my fault. Yes, I did remember to do that. And after doing that and powering the board up again, I am not able to acces the board via USB. I have tryed this more then 5 times.

I think the next step is to try the SD Card method.

This could be an issue with the bootloader. Try flashing it first FYSETC-SPIDER/bootloader at main · FYSETC/FYSETC-SPIDER · GitHub

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I loaded the latest bootloader to the board and repeated the actions from the guide. That seemed to solve my issues, it totaly works now! Thanks a lot!

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