Hello i have been having a number of issues with my cr-6se and klipper. the current issue is after printing all day yesterday i started my printer up this morning to receive ‘Internal error on command:“G28”’ and the firmware restarts.
if i get klipper running, turn it of and leave it for a day it would not work when i boot it back up. I have at this point, remade my printer config file and reinstalled klipper itself. several times, each time it works well until i leave it for a while, This is quite frustrating as i am trying to like klipper.
Thank you for the quick reply @EddyMI3D! and for the added context for those parameters. it had been on 5mm prior and i had changed it to 10 in hopes of seeing a different result( not understanding it had to be 1/2 the value). klippy.log (6.5 MB)
made the suggested changes and it is still is giving the same keyError unfortunately
WAIT, i just noticed in my printer.cfg my values list
homing_speed: 10
second_homing_speed: 5
homing_retract_dist: 5
but in the log homing is set to 5? how can this be?
After attempting to re-save the printer.cfg file with
homing_speed: 10
second_homing_speed: 5
homing_retract_dist: 5
the log shows that the config is not taking. i reinstalled klipper on another RPI 4 i had and it seems to be working now. must be something on the latte-panda not worth tracking down. Thank you @EddyMI3D !