Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3 V2
MCU / Printerboard: 4.2.7 STM32F103
PC: Intel NUC 8
OS: Debian 12
klippy.log (1.1 MB)
Hi all,
first of all I’d like to appreciate Klipper and all the effort that people put into it. Really nice, can’t wait until I put my hands on input shaping
Unfortunately though it is the second time that are weird things happening to the printer while using Klipper.
The first time I was using 4.2.2 board (was about 3y old at the time) and it died - can’t flash, serial not detected etc. OK, maybe it was just old. I bought a new board 4.2.7 this time and the problem occurred again, but this time with an awful audible feedback from all 4 steppers.
While cleaning the nozzle after a failed print, suddenly klippy lost connection to MCU (I’ve noticed out of the corner of my eye) and all 4 steppers started buzzing really loud. It seems they are “locked” as it’s impossible to move them. Disconnecting all motors makes it quiet again. I’ve noticed that the MCU and drivers are getting quite hot when the printer just sits there and do nothing.
The board also doesn’t show up in /dev/serial
, no dmesg
entries either. I’ve tried different PCs, USB ports and cables.
It is also not possible to flash any firmware onto the board. I’ve tried: many different SD cards, formatting (FAT, 4k, disable “Quick Format”, MBR etc - all I could find online), renaming the .bin
file, Mriscoc and Creality firmware.
Maybe the boards were faulty and Klipper just surfaced the problem(s), on the other hand I’ve been running Marline based firmware since I’ve started 3D printing (on this very printer) and never seen a problem like this before.
I’ve made a post here, please see the video:
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!