For @Sineos and @TheMonkeyKing I’m moving this discussion from Debian Bullseye Bug Remedy Script as I think it’s its own separate topic.
@TheMonkeyKing suggested that we look at converting to Debian 12 from the standard Debian 11 build used in Raspberry Pis and pointed to the link:
First off, this process doesn’t work for a Raspberry Pi. The sudo apt full-upgrade
command has numerous failures and I didn’t see the point in trying to work through them. When I checked the version, it came up as Debian 12.1. On the off chance Klipper could work with all the installation errors, I tried to install Klipper, using KIAUH, but the Klipper installation process would not complete.
The next logical step was to try Raspberry Pi Debian 12 image and rather than go through the work of coming up with one on my own (and then load it using a PXE boot as was suggested in the previous thread), I decided to look for a Debian 12 image for the Raspberry Pi and found one here:
Now, I had a lot of problems with the June 12, 2023 “Tested Image” working with either a Raspberry Pi 4B or CM4. I was able to get the daily build working and ready for a Klipper install on the 4B using the following process (NOTE: text in square brackets “[
” and “]
'” are custom to the installation):
- Connect an HDMI display, USB keyboard and power supply to a Raspberry Pi 4 with the daily build of Raspberry Pi Debian 12 on the SD Card.
- Login as
with no password - Enable WiFi on the Raspberry Pi by executing the command
nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0
and when the file came up, editing it so it looks like:
# To enable wireless networking, uncomment the following lines and -naturally-
# replace with your network's details.
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
# iface wlan0 inet6 dhcp
wpa-ssid [myNetworkName]
wpa-psk [myNetworkPassword]
- Login again using the display and keypad and enter the following commands to ensure the resources needed for installing Klipper were available:
apt update
apt full-upgrade -y
apt install sudo
apt-get install usbutils -y
apt install net-tools
apt install curl -y
- Set the root password, a new hostname using the commands:
hostnamectl set-hostname [NewHostname]
- Add a primary user with sudo access:
adduser [NewUserName]
su - root
usermod -aG sudo [NewUserName]
- Restart the Raspberry Pi with
At this point, you can login to the Raspberry Pi through SSH and attempt to install Klipper using a typical process.
Using KIAUH, I installed Klipper, Moonraker and Mainsail. After doing this and ending KIAUH, I tried to access Mainsail’s web interface but with no luck. I have no idea why it wouldn’t come up.
Continuing on to see if I had any other issues, I was able to build Katapult and Klipper as well as burn them into an Octopus (STM32F446) board and get CAN UUIDs.
As for the CM4, I was never able to get the WiFi interface working - the Ethernet interface works fine and I was able to follow the process above from steps 5. onwards without any issues. I also had the same issue with not getting the Mainsail web interface working.
Getting Klipper running on Debian 12 is probably a good idea as I suspect Raspberry Pi Installer will soon start generating OS images running this kernel. There are a couple of things I would like to ask help on:
- I suspect that I don’t have all the packages installed that are required to run Mainsail and I can’t find a list of them - could anybody point me in the right direction?
- Not being able to run WiFi on the CM4 seems to be a known problem with Debian 12 but I couldn’t find a solid fix for it (it seems well established that the WiFi silicon on the 4B and the CM4 are different). Anybody have any ideas how to get CM4 WiFi working?