I have turned the instructions Debian Bullseye Bug causing Klipper to no longer find the printer board - #8 into a shell script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sineos/useful_bits/main/Linux/fix_debian_udev.sh
It will:
- Check if it is executed on Debian 11
- Check if the installed udev contains the buggy version string
- Check if run as root or under root rights
- Update the system to the latest versions via
apt update
andapt upgrade
- If Debian 11 AND buggy udev AND root is found, it will:
- Check if the Debian 11
backports repository
is already present → If not, download the repository signing key and install the repository - Install the fixed udev from the backports repository
- Check if the Debian 11
Run it via
curl -sf -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sineos/useful_bits/main/Linux/fix_debian_udev.sh | sudo bash
Above command will run the script as root
Only do this if you trust me or if you have verified the script beforehand.
Any tests would be appreciated. I did test it on various different OS versions, like MainsailOS, Pi OS lite etc.