If the settings and connection between RPi and printer board is not fully working, then the display will be blank
I suggest following approach:
- Provision a new SD, e.g. with MainsailOS via the Raspberry Pi Imager
- Fix the Debian bug either via Debian Bullseye Bug causing Klipper to no longer find the printer board or if you feel adventurous via Debian Bullseye Bug Remedy Script - #5 by Sineos
- Run KIAUH and install
- Klipper
- Moonraker
- fluidd OR Mainsail
- Put the config with the correct serial into
- Restart the Klipper service with
sudo systemctl restart klipper
- Navigate to webinterface via your browser under
- Now you should have a convenient access to edit the config, download the
If you have issue then, post the klippy.log and we shall continue from there.