Documentation update for Input Shaper page:


Working on setting up my printer and found when I got to setting up input-shaping some of the commands on the “Measuring Resonances” documentation page were incorrect (at least with a recent installation).

Specifically, the commands to create graphs from the raw accelerometer .csv’s were looking for files called “resonances_x_" when klipper seems to be naming them "calibration_data_x_”.

Basically, the code lines like:

~/klipper/scripts/ /tmp/resonances_x_*.csv -o /tmp/shaper_calibrate_x.png --max_smoothing=0.2

should be updated to:

~/klipper/scripts/ **/tmp/calibration_data_x_*.csv** -o /tmp/shaper_calibrate_x.png --max_smoothing=0.2

Here’s the versions I’m using with my machine:

There are basically 3 different commands that generate different outputs:

  • TEST_RESONANCESresonances_*.csv
  • TEST_RESONANCES OUTPUT=raw_dataraw_data_axis*.csv
  • SHAPER_CALIBRATEcalibration_data_*.csv

Seems you have a point here. Where SHAPER_CALIBRATE is referenced, the corresponding file is calibration_data_*.csv.

Of course, a PR correcting this, would be welcome.

Ahhh, that makes sense! I’ve always just gone to using SHAPER_CALIBRATE, so that explains the difference in output file naming.

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