Extruder hotter than the surface of the sun

Basic Information:

Printer Model: DIY Build
MCU / Printerboard: Manta M5P, EBB36
Host / SBC: Pine SOQuartz
klippy.log: klippy.log (239.1 KB)

I have a PT1000 connected to a MAX31865 on my EBB36 board. Sometimes after SAVE_CONFIG it registers an insane temperature briefly. Any ideas what’s going on?

Replying to myself. It’s possible that this is due to data corruption on the SPI bus. Analog Devices warns about this possibility when the ADXL345 shares the SPI bus with other devices as it does with the MAX31865 on the EBB. Bigtreetech has not implemented the OR gate protection on the EBB boards.

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