Firmware update Ebb42?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ratrig v31
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus Pro + Ebb42
klippy.log not necessary

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Describe your issue:


Taking advantage of the fact that we are in a new year, I am going to update Klipper, I use an Octopus Pro 429, so the process is entertaining…

But my question is related to something else… I also use an Ebb42, which in its day flashed a Klipper firmware (I think).

  • I have to flash a new firmware also to the Ebb42?
  • What would be the process. The same one I used for the initial flaseo? Or is there a simpler one?

To make an easier process, put CanBoot on the EBB42 as a bootloader, this software will give you the ability to load Klipper firmware via the CAN bus.
