Update EBB42 by Canbus. How?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Vcore31
MCU / Printerboard:Octopues pro+ebb42
klippy.log (279.9 KB)

I want to update the firmware of the EBB42.

When I installed it, I followed the guide so that it could be updated by CanBus…

But how would it be done?

  • I compile the latest firmware
  • From the console, with some “magical” command, I flash the firmware?

After compiling Klipper use this command.
This assumes you are using the CAN bus to communicate with the EBB.

Note: this is a CanBoot script and [-i can0] or [-f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin] are not required since it defaults to these if not provided.

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -u UUID

Replace UUID with the canbus_uuid used in your config file for the device you are updating.

I would recommend copying the completed command in to your cfg file after

[mcu EBBCan] # compile new klipper firmware then use this command, python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -u UUID ‘replace with the EBB uuid’

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To update CanBoot with CanBoot.
Compile new CanBoot with the deployer option set.

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/CanBoot/out/deployer.bin -u

This will wipe the flash memory and put the new CanBoot in place.

Now do the instructions from the previous post to get Klipper back on the same board.

well… as expected something has not gone well.

I think it has to do with the fact that I followed the instructions without reading the last post… and now the CANBOARD DOES NOT appear, I send by console:

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -q

and the answer is nothing, when before it gave me the UUID

Resetting all bootloader node IDs…
Checking for canboot nodes…
Query Complete

What can I do to fix it"

Flash the firmware that I have compiled for the canboard with STM32, by usb?

Late, but I’ve tried sending the command:

python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/flash_can.py -f ~/CanBoot/out/deployer.bin -u

and the answer is

usage: flash_can.py [-h] [-d ] [-b ] [-i ] [-f <klipper.bin>] [-u ] [ -q] [-v] [-r]
flash_can.py: error: argument -u/–uuid: expected one argument

It seems to say that the UUID is missing. No?

Note you don’t have to update CanBoot unless there is a new version!

More than likely you set Klipper for no bootloader or wrong bootloader size.

Try double clicking reset on the EBB and see if CanBoot shows


@koconnor, please chime in.

Understand that unless Klipper tells you to update the firmware or the change’s shows it has fixed an issue you are having, there is no need to update the firmware of Your MCUs.

Please update Klipper software on your RPi or Pi clone if you need to, but if everything is working with no issues, you shouldn’t update.

Thx for help…


Its online and updated…



I redo all process you explain me last time…