First layer mesh not compensating enough

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4r2
MCU / Printerboard: octopus rpi4
Klippy log

Describe your issue:

Currently running beacon probe and first layer bed mesh isn’t compensating enough. I have run the axis twist compensation and tried adjusting the mesh tension from 0.2 to 0.7 hoping to make it compensate more. I have confirmed it is loading the mesh and on the first layer i can physically feel the Z motors making small adjustments as the carriage trams around on the first layer, it just isnt doing enough compensation.

Here is my bed mesh from printer.cfg

speed: 400
horizontal_move_z: 3
mesh_min: 12.5, 26.5
mesh_max: 330, 330
#zero_reference_position: 175,175 #for use with stock z endstop
#mesh_pps: 3, 3
#fade_start: 1
#fade_end: 3
probe_count: 17,17 # Values should be odd, so one point is directly at bed center
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2

I have scoured this forum and discord rooms trying to find a solution and so far have come up with nothing. What am I missing here? Any help is appreciated.

It will only let me add one image, so here is another of the mesh.

Did u find a solution ?

Honestly? The OP posted just two days ago.

1 Like

Nope no solution yet, though I suspect there is an issue with the beacon probe having issues with the build plates and the magnetic sheet I am using.

I am interested in your issue as well.

My problem is much simpler (discussed here) but I am intrigued by what’s going on with yours. The representation of your bed sure looks pretty wild! Do you think that really is the shape of your bed or are you suspecting the probe is giving erroneous data?

I’m very new to this so probably haven’t much to offer but I am curious about a couple of things:

  • Firstly you say you’ve confirmed that the mesh is being loaded. May I ask how you confirmed this? This is exactly what I am trying to do myself.

  • And secondly, you say the mesh isn’t compensating enough. How is it that you know that it’s “not enough” as apposed to “too much”. I have no doubt that you’re right, I’m just curious as to how you can tell. For instance, if the bed were in fact perfectly flat and the probe were erroneously reporting fluctuations (ie. the compensation was too much) how would that appear different?

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