First layer mesh not compensating enough

I am interested in your issue as well.

My problem is much simpler (discussed here) but I am intrigued by what’s going on with yours. The representation of your bed sure looks pretty wild! Do you think that really is the shape of your bed or are you suspecting the probe is giving erroneous data?

I’m very new to this so probably haven’t much to offer but I am curious about a couple of things:

  • Firstly you say you’ve confirmed that the mesh is being loaded. May I ask how you confirmed this? This is exactly what I am trying to do myself.

  • And secondly, you say the mesh isn’t compensating enough. How is it that you know that it’s “not enough” as apposed to “too much”. I have no doubt that you’re right, I’m just curious as to how you can tell. For instance, if the bed were in fact perfectly flat and the probe were erroneously reporting fluctuations (ie. the compensation was too much) how would that appear different?