FYSETC Portable Input Shaper - does this work?

Looks like it connects with USB? Does this work?

I just ask myself how this post fits into this sub-forum… :wink:

I moved it to General Discussion.

There is a RP2040 on it and it connects to the main SBC like another MCU.
Already flashed mine but did not use it yet…

Cool, I just ordered one. Probably 2 weeks delivery time.

I have one, it works great…

I want to mount it lower in this area

When its not accelerating, I have it configured to be a Chamber Temp monitor

As well using the Red LED Indicator for hotend temps during warmup… :slight_smile:

edit: oh I should of posted the pic of the real reason to get it…




Worked perfectly for me on my souped up Ender3.

However I took it off when done taking measurements, so I didn’t have to worry about routing USB cables.