Got a timer too close error when printing for a long time

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom coreXY
MCU / Printerboard:MKS SKIPR + USB Toolhead
klippy.log (6.3 MB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there

Describe your issue:

…Hello everyone,
I got a “MCU ‘Toolhead’ shutdown: Timer too close” error after about 25 hours of printing.I used a USB hub to connect the toolhead and a 480P webcam with 5fps.I don’t know if the webcam is causing the problem.
Im not very good into finding errors at the logs. Does anyone have a clue?

I did analyze your log …
From analysis I can tell that most probably it was Toolhead communication issues which start growing last 3 hours of your print, but I didn’t spot any relations with CPU load or temperatures - so most probably it’s your serial cable (USB) or something else.

Here are some analysis data which i did derive from your log.

Hour from klippy start Max MCU sysload Max Toolhead Temp Max Host Temp Max MCU Temp Sum of MCU Retrastit Instances Sum Toolhead Retransmit Instances
0 2,51 49,00 32,7 21,1 1 2
1 2,31 48,60 33,2 21,1 0 1
2 2,43 48,50 32,7 21 0 0
3 2,35 48,40 33,2 20,9 0 1
4 2,53 48,10 32,7 21 0 0
5 1,88 47,90 31,8 20,9 0 1
6 2,36 47,50 31,8 21,2 0 1
7 2,25 47,30 32,3 20,9 0 1
8 2,71 47,50 33,2 21,1 0 0
9 2,77 47,50 32,7 21,6 0 1
10 2,14 47,60 33,6 21,8 0 0
11 2,32 47,80 33,2 22,1 0 0
12 2,90 47,80 35 22,3 0 1
13 2,79 48,00 34,5 22,5 0 0
14 2,91 47,90 35 22,3 0 1
15 2,37 47,90 33,2 22,6 0 2
16 2,42 47,70 34,1 22,5 0 1
17 2,06 47,50 34,1 22,1 0 3
18 2,38 46,90 33,2 22,1 0 9
19 2,65 46,70 33,6 21,7 0 15
20 1,97 46,40 33,2 21,6 1 28
Total 2,91 49,00 35 22,6 2 68

Thank you very much. Your reply has solved my problem. I took apart the USB cable and found that the copper wire was about to break. The problem was solved when I replaced the cable

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