Printer Model: Reality Ender 3 Conversion to Aditiva Core XY
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus Max EZ klippy.log klippy-9.log (2.2 MB)
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Describe your issue:
I am going in circles trying to set my X & Y “origin” to the front left corner as my “0,0” and Position_Min & Position_Max. I’m want my probe to move to the middle of the bed for “safe z homing” but right now I can’t seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I have watched numerous how-to videos and read through guides on Git Hub (Rootiest I think it’s called) and nothing works when I try to apply what sounds easy. I have a visual/spatial disability (dyscalculia) and it affects my ability to easily work out math & manipulate shapes/numbers in my head. I think the problem is all the guides talk about taking the min-position of where I’d like “0” to be and then transferring this into the opposite in my position-min and/or endstop. So I think this is where I am messing up. The Negative numbers to positive or visa-versa…I end-up having huge negative min_position numbers (like -400 stopping in the middle of the bed and getting an out-of-range message if I try to move to the left. I eventually deleted the Position_min altogether and at least it now has “0,0” on the board…but closer to the far right and front of the board.
If this sounds confusing? That’s about how my brain feels.
I am ready to pay in order to have somebody walk me through this nightmare via Zoom. Is there such a service? I am fairly new to Klipper but used it successfully on my Ender 3 for a few months prior to the conversion. I
have easily figured out everything else…plus built, crimped, and learned how to wire everything myself. I’ve recently added a Voron Tap and a 3rd z-axis, I’m also a (not-young) mom and Master’s Level Research Librarian, who will never have the brains of an engineer, but I try. So please be kind.
Yes, thank you. The problem is my printer does not understand where the center of the bed is. I need to figure out how to set the axis parameters so it knows the center of the bed is not in the back left corner…I had it at 115, 115 and when I jogged it over to the center? it read “0,0” and I just haven’t changed it back yet. Have been working on trying to get it to "0,0’ in the front left corner.
Yes, thank you, I am reading through this guide again and have read through it in the past. I do not want the origin in the center of the bed…as I mentioned, I am trying to enter the numbers I need to so my origin is in the front left corner. 10mm in from all 4 sides of the bed for my usable printer area. I know the kinematic positions are the limits outside of the bed where the toolhead physically touches the frame. But for some reason it still does not recognize 0,0 as the front left corner.