Help with identifying timer too close error cause

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron 2.4
MCU / Printerboard: Host: OrangePI PC One / Bigtreetech SKR V1.4 / Makerbase Mks Robin Nano V3 / Generic STM32F072

klippy.log (2.5 MB)

Describe your issue:

I randomly get “timer too close” errors, but beeing not able to fix this issue.
I have to admit I’m running low an RAM on the Host machine (512MB, because unfortunately the Orange-Pi ONE I have was shipped with the wrong RAM-Size).

I have a bananaPi laying around, but I’m not sure if its really the problem here. I read about the loadgraphs and was able to generate the graphs, but they seemed rather OK:

Also this is another Print from before where it failed 2 times in a row (Klippy.log of the following image not attached, just to show that it always will look similar)

The MCU which ALWAYS error out is my Toolhead MCU, which has an STMF072 on board which controlls Fans, Stepper and Heater of the extruder.
It is a custom made board which for reference can be found here:

Oh and I should mention, that it already worked flawlessly. Didn’t change anything in hardware, printed hour-long prints just fine untill yesterday.

can anyone with more klipper experience say anything?

also, what does “Bandwith” in the loadgraph mean? USB-Throughput over all USB-ports?

thanks in advance,

You might want to take a look at: Timer too close and Advanced Trouble-Shooting / Graphing Klipper

You’ve graphed the MCU load, but it’s really the system load you want to look at:

Seems to me that your host linux machine is memory “swapping”. It’s hard to say why that is - maybe something else is running on the machine and consuming resources.

Separately, it also seems like the cpu load is high - perhaps some other process is also consuming cpu utilization - or perhaps the host machine is not powerful enough.


Thanks for the feedback!

dind’t found the host_loadgraph.png. But that definately seems not right.

Will upgrade to a bigger Host (Pi4 with 8GB of RAM) and hopefully that’ll fix it

Well, seems indeed a bigger machine with more ram definately helps…

I guess a Pi3 would also be sufficient, but here we are - Hostcomputer to weak.
Thanks for helping!

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