Homing Extruder controlled via filament runout sensor

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Octopus Pro
Host / SBC : Raspberry Pi 5

klippy.log (206.3 KB)

I’m trying to use the extruder for the liquid extrusion system, the extruder is leadscrew-based and to change the liquid syringes I need to retract the extruder to the maximum position. I’ve attached a limit switch at the max position and defined it as a filament runout sensor which when triggered results in “filament not detected”. I want a macro script to retract the extruder until the endstop is triggered.
When I try to retract the extruder to a large distance, it doesn’t stop even after hitting the endstop. I’ve even tried putting ‘M84’ in the ‘runout gcode’ option but it didn’t help. The extruder is only disabled after it completes the move and not on the moment it hits the endstop.

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