How to adjust pause not to stop at x and y maximum


I’ve got an Ender3 with 4.2.7 Mainboard and mainsail running on a Raspberry Pi 3+ with a klicky probe that sits at the maximum position of X.

Every time I pause the printer the toolhead goes to X maximum and picks up the klicky probe that is there on a magnet. I cannot resume the print with the probe attached as the probe would hit the print.

I’ve tried several macros and changing them to work but no bueno.
Is there any simple way to get the pause and probably also cancel print to stop at minimum X and maximum Y?

Thanks ever so much, Misael

Hello @Misael !

If you have issues or problems, please use the General Discussion subforum. (I’ll move it for you.)

The Macros subforum is for tested and running macros :wink:

Please share the klippy.log.

Usually you set the Pause parameter to different coordinates the endstop (Klicky).

Better than trying random macros is learning how they work and write an own one.

Oh, sorry, thought I had put it into general…
anyway, here is the klippy.log

klippy.log (3.7 MB)

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There you will find the block [gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE] that allows you to set parking positions to what you like.
Follow the instructions given on top of the file.

Hello Sineos,

thanks a bunch to the link, the solution worked first try!
happy days.

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