IDEX with cartesian printer

Hi folks,

I’m currently designing a new X axis for my Anycubic i3 Mega to convert it into an IDEX printer.
Already found that this can be achieved in Klipper with [dual_carriage] then.

What is the best homing procedure to get best precision? Do both print heads home to the opposite sides or can you home the first lets say to the left and then home the second head against the first?
Can homing be achieved with SensorlessHoming as this would be the easiest way to implement and safes some wires?

Thanks for some hints.

I run a MTW Creat2 IDEX. They have a switch at each end. You could set it up with a switch between the extruders but the second extruder would have the error of both switches in its position.

That is usually the way to go.

In that case, the 2nd head would be quite in the way of the first one.

You may search this forum for IDEX for some very precious information - including sensorless homing

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Yesterday on my smartphone it showed less results.
Looks like there are some nice pieces of information I have to sift.

That is the “let me google that for you”… :smiley:
Already checked it on PC today and will get back there later. Thank you!

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For the folks here reading this, the IDEX printer is now running with the Klipper branch from @dmbutyugin:

Currently I’m writing a Cura plugin to set the IDEX mode already in the slicer so one can process that in the START_PRINT macro.
This is already working like a charm:

Now as a nice to have feature I’m trying to change the build plate width to 50% when mirror or copy is selected so that one will see how big the parts can be.
Then I’ll publish it.