Input shaper with drone flight controller?

I have a bunch of old drone fcs laying around with stm32f411 mcu and mpu 6000/6050 gyros, is there any way to use these for input shaper?

I can get accelerometer data…
anything? am I way off base here?

Basically: Yes but I wouldn’t do…

What you can do: Run the input shaper command with your hardware attached and a recording running (i persume, you have software to do so?). Now you can do an FFT “by hand” or maybe your software does (or you use Excel or something else) and look for the maximum amplitude of the signal and get the frequency at that amplitude. Now try some shapers (starting with zv) at that frequency. Assume your FFT outupt 52Hz for the maximum amplitude, try zv@52Hz for this… Plotting the FFT result might help for choosing the shaper.

But: I would buy an ADXL345 and do as decribed. Price is 3 €/USD, why should you save this and spend hours in doing all the maths by hand? I think it is very difficult to include your hardware into klipper (but doable, of course). Maybe you just have to do some adjustments, but the next update and everything is gone. Or you have to join the team implementing your solution to the code itself. It might be very difficult, if your hardware does not allow irect acces to the SPI-Interface of the accelerometer itself…

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