Internal error on G1" stepcompress error

Updated Git version and i just ran into the issue again. printed for about 3 hours before shut down for the same error
klippy(23).log (5.4 MB)

Very strange. All four of your logs show the code attempting to move the extruder ā€œat an infinite velocityā€. This results in the code raising an internal error, as obviously this should not occur.

Unfortunately, I donā€™t have any leads as to why this would occur. Normally this type of thing is the result of a ā€œnumerical stability issueā€. However, I canā€™t see anything in the code or your particular setup that would cause something like this.

The issue is confined to the host software/hardware - it is not related to micro-controller, wiring, communications issues, printer hardware mechanics, nor similar.

Some questions:

  • Can you confirm that you are not using pressure advance?
  • What is the host machine hardware type, and what is the host machine operating system installed?
  • If you set pressure_advance=0.00001 in the extruder section of your config, does the issue go away?
  • Have you tried any other host computer, and if so did the problems persist there, and if so what was the hardware type/os of that host computer?

If the error does occur again, it would help if you could attach the zipā€™ed gcode file that was being printed at the time (along with the Klipper log file).


Thank you for looking into this issue more. to answer your questions

  • PA has been commented out and print time results in about an hour before shutdown, with PA included in my config and set to .00001 the error happens around 30 minutes into a print. The host hardware is a raspberry pi 3b+ & BTT octopus. Klipper has been installed via both KIUAH and through ras pi imager. attached is the gcode and the two most recent log files one with PA set to .0001 and one with PA commented out of my config
    Voron (2.0 MB)

Thanks for testing. Alas, I donā€™t have any leads on the root cause of this issue. I am unable to reproduce the problem locally. There are many many users with similar setups that are not having this issue. I have not been able to identify anything in your setup that is different from other common setups.

If you can test with some other physical host hardware (a different physical raspberry pi) then that would be an interesting test. Iā€™m not particularly hopeful it will solve the problem, but it could provide additional information.

Itā€™s possible you could disable the error check itself within the code, but without understanding the root cause of the issue that is likely a bad choice. (There is a very good chance even worse behavior results.)


I have replaced the pi with a spare 3b+ i had laying around, I also found sineosā€™ guide to installing klipper to have some differences in the install i.e disabling certain pi setting via ssh like modem manager. im not sure if the pi change is what fixed it or disabling modem manager but as of now i have completing a 5 and a half hour print with another 6 hour print half way through. Iā€™m still not entirely sure the issue is resolved ill keep on printing and respond if the error arises again. thank you for helping me out.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Lost MCU communication