KIAUH prevents installation of MJPG-Streamer

As my backup was corrupt I needed to reinstall my OrangePi Zero with Armbian and then used KIAUH to install Klipper, Moonraker and Mainsail.
Hover it does not allow the installation of mjpg-streamer. What is the reason for that?
I changed the script to allow the installation but it fails in the mid when creating a directory…

Other install guides did not work to get it properly started with booting and due to the lack of Linux skills I’m now somehow lost in fixing the different errors.

Weeks or months ago KIAUH worked fine?!

If it fails when creating a directory, then it most likely means that you don’t have permission to do so, or it could mean that there is no space left on the disk (less likely). What is the directory that it fails to create, and what is the error message?

That is the error:

And this should be the part of the script where it fails:

I manually removed quite everything now and uninstalled the rest via KIAUH, rebooted the Pi and tried to reinstall again.
Now at the same point before the failure the script requests the password but afterwards fails in the same manner…
Looks like the position where the failure occurs is not the one I found as the index.html is properly created. :confused:

I did a little googling on this and went down a rabbit hole. I’m still trying to understand what is going on, but it appears that they are dropping mjpeg-streamer in preference to a new webcam daemon called crowsnest.

I just did a fresh install using kiauh a few days ago, when I tried to install mjpeg-streamer, kiauh said that this option is not available. I just assumed at the time that this was because I was installing on an X86 platform rather than ARM.

Anyway, back to the rabbit-hole, I’m going to try and set up my webcam using crowsnest and see how that works out. I’ll report back if I have any success

Officially the mjpg-streamer installation is disabled in KIAUH but I just changed the menu and the script properly starts.
As the index.html is properly created in folder www-mjpgstreamer I went further down in the script.
Due to the fact the error occurs before the message: “Creating webcam.txt config file …” is prompted the last mkdir command is that one:

Maybe there is an issue with an existing webcam.txt?! Will delete it as well and try again.
@jrobbom5 thanks for your help!

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It looks like the Klipper config variable is not filled with data…
I do not find its declaration in the script.

Just manually copied the webcam.txt and commented out the script section and it ran further:

I’ll now trying to declare the variable and see how it goes…

Well after a little bit of messing about, I managed to get crowsnest going! One of my webcams was always unstable with mjpeg-streamer, but initial impressions are that it is already a lot better with crowsnest, but that’s only after 15mins of runtime, i’ll let you know how it works out over a longer period

Looks interesting!

I added the seemingly missing/empty variables to the globals:
And then the install script went through:

However the webcam service did not come up and the webcam is not accessible. Seems there are some additional folder mismatches. When manually installing it yesterday it worked but the service/daemon did not come up upon reboot…

But it looks like I come closer to the end with little steps. :slight_smile:

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Oh man it is working now… :partying_face:
Although I thought I checked the cables the webcam was not connected to the OrangePi… Shame over my head!
And without changing anything else it is working now even after cold start.
So the timeout of the service seemed to be more a cosmetic issue I guess.

One ToDo less now…
Now I can crimp new connectors to the new print head and tidy up the cabling. And then figure out how to best use the accelerometer with the OrangePi…
All this is only a side quest on my long journey with my other printer where I have to wait for screws and hammer nuts. :smiley:

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Install ustreamer from GitHub

Hi, It seems you found the way to set mpg-streamer on Orange Pi. I am having hard time to do it. Do you think you can share us how you did

You need to make the setup entry available again and then correct the paths.
Maybe i find some time tomorrow to get the right changes but did you already tested the fixes from my previous posts here in the thread?

I would suggest installing crowsnest instead. It seems to be the “official” replacement for mpg-streamer as far as mainsail is concerned. It’s easy to install and configure.

i have ben trying crowsnest but i could not make it work. I my miss something but i don’t know why. I used to have my klipper on RPi and it was quiet easy to do but on orange pi I can’t.

that would be really nice. I kind of understand the fixes you did to kiauh but I am far from being a linux expert and I dont’ how or where you made those modifications.

Sorry for the late reply.
Today I wanted to check what I changed to get it installed but putty does no longer accept my password. :expressionless:
Have to fix other things first before taking care about that issue.