Klipper crashed then never got back to life

Hi there,

Printer Model: Voron2.4
MCU / Printerboard:Octopus V1.1
Host / SBC RPi4
CANbus U2C & EBB36
klippy_10_07_24.log (477.3 KB)

The story is the following: Printer was working OK. After issuing a command G0 Y0 the printing head reached the position then Klipper crashed and never got back to life.

  • I checked CAN wires (18AWG) at the PCBA level (pin to pin) and they’re perfect.
  • I completely re-installed klipper on RPi and Octopus then uploaded my actual CANbus & printer configs. Power is coming to EBB36 and CAN network is UP
    But I’m still getting this:

mcu ‘EBBCan’: Unable to connect
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
“FIRMWARE_RESTART” command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Error configuring printer

This is my current klippy.log
Current_klippy.log (86.4 KB)

So I just wonder if the EBB36 got blown?

Hard to tell. According to the log, the EBB is simply not repsonding to any connection attempts.

Yeah, I guess the EBB is gone. Bad luck.

What you can try:

  • Connect the EBB via USB and flash Klipper with an USB firmware on it (likely Communication interface = USB (on PA11/PA12) , but verify).
  • Get its USB serial via ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
  • Try connecting Klipper via this

Initally I gave up the idea to re-flash EBB with a firmware just because of the assumption that there is nothing like writing/re-writing eeprom/flash memory happens in the toolhead during printer operation. I had Klipper firmware crashed one day because of corrupted SD card data. SD is a very unreliable data storage device but there is nothing like that on EBB. I’ll definitely try to re-flash EBB tomorrow but there 2 brand new EBBs are on their way already.

This is correct. The flashed firmware cannot be altered during normal printer operation.
The idea was not to check if this might be the reason but to check if a different connection method might bring it back to life to exclude other issues due to the crash like CAN bus, wiring etc.

I received the new EBB36 today and gave it a try and it works. I also re-flashed the old one with no probs so the MCU is OK there but the board itself still doesn’t not appear on a CANbus anyway. So basically the problem is solved.
Thanks everyone who came for help. I really appreciate it.


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