Klipper Display Not Showing Dual Extruders

I have a dual extruder printer. I just upgraded to Klipper 0.10.0 on a fresh install of OctoPi running OctoPrint 1.7.2. I rebuild the firmware for my printer controller board and flashed it without issue. I also updated my printer config file where needed to be compatible with 0.10.0. My printer comes up and I can control it as expected (so far), but one thing that I noticed is that the LCD screen only shows the temperature of one of my extruders like below:

Previously, it would show both extruders on the screen at the same time. I know that the display can be modified, but I never had to do that before and thought that the fact that I have two extruder definitions in my config file is what controlled the display content. Is there some step I am missing to display both extruders or did something change in 0.10.0? I can control both of the extruders in the screen menu (both E0 and E1 are available) and I can also control both of them in OctoPrint, so I know they are working.


You have to select the correct template in printer.cfg:

display_group: _multiextruder_16x4
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That was it! Still getting used to the new changes and this config option slipped detection. Screen looks the way it’s supposed to now. Thanks!

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