Klipper klipper screen issues print fans

Basic Information:
Printer Model: xmakerPro300X
MCU / Printerboard: octopus ez max
raspberry pi 4b

My configuration is updated to the latest versions of Klipper Klipper Screen Mainsail etc. I’m observing continuous problems in these last Klapper releases, in particular to date the problem related to the fan to cool the print persists, in Klipper Screen appeaEven if I go to the main menu after a while the minus of the fan reappears, indeed during the prints the fan takes turns per minute in an uncoPreformatted textntrolled way not following the data of the gcode.rs without logic the window related to the cooling fan .
Also I notice that the touch screen does not respond well sometimes the keys do not respond or respond with delay. or as soon as I turn on the printer instead of appearing and remaining the initial menu appears the tuning menu… in short, it is no longer as good as before


1) [Klipper]           v0.11.0-157  
2) [Moonraker]     v0.8.0-30   
3) [Mainsail]         v2.5.0  
5) [KlipperScreen]     v0.3.2-20   

10) [Crowsnest]        v3.0.7-3     

 11) [System]           System up to date!

Did you try a fresh SDcard in your Rpi? Might be your SDcard is “worn out”. Try to clone your old SDcard to the new one (dd).

Good luck, hcet14

I think I found the problem, it’s Klipper Screen. I do not use SD card but directly USB Port, and until now I have never had problems like this.
attack below all the request created for klipper screen bugs

I point out that Klipper Screen at this time is very bad, it is unstable when you start a print the screens change by themselves . The behavior is absolutely illogical often does not respond when typing buttons on the LCD. I have never seen such behavior until now.

I tried the printer even in an updated and clean configuration without Klipper Screen and these anomalies on the Mainsail web interface, I did not have them. The fan control to cool the prints without Klipper Screen is fine, when you install Klipper Screen instead the fans have a busted behavior, initially it goes to the percentage entered in the G Code then goes crazy and leads for example to 80% 100% without logic without ever stopping.

[Klipper] v0.11.0-159
[Moonraker] v0.8.0-30
klippy (1).log

klipper screen v0.3.2-20

I guess you already opened an issue.

Good luck, hcet14

Yes thanks. To be safe I install everything on a SanDisk Pro micro SD, let’s see what happens. However I think we made some mistake, in fact I noticed that they had tried to insert in klipper screen a button, web cam to see the camera directly from LCD but then the key was removed …

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