Brand new user of Klipper but not new to 3d printing. Need a config. fix for this Klipper error: Invalid homing_positive_dir / position_endstop in ‘stepper_x’
Thanks in advance.
Also, any information on configuring this printer:
# If true, homing will cause the stepper to move in a positive
# direction (away from zero); if false, home towards zero. It is
# better to use the default than to specify this parameter. The
# default is true if position_endstop is near position_max and false
# if near position_min.
If you endstop is 0 and homing_positive_dir is True, the head will move away from the endstop.
Hello! Thanks for the answer EddyMI3D, but the “printer.cfg” that I have open, doesn’t show a parameter for homing position dir? Here’s a copy of the config file. printer.cfg (14.0 KB)
Your config consists of several files.
Quite confusing for a newbie.
The parsed config in the klippy.log does not contain hints from what files the sections are taken.
Thanks again! I checked the two paths you mentioned. Neither has a direction parameter?
They are identical to your parsed example of stepper x above, except these two:
endstop_pin = ^x_endstop_pin
homing_positive_dir = True
Frustrating! I’ll keep looking, again thanks a million. Probably see me again for some of the mod configs
Possible bug?
In my Klipper config, the path:
does not have a parameter for dir? But the physical-enstop-y.cfg does?
I added them into the overrides, with a dir for x, and that seems to have fixed the error…
But of course another error popped up:
“Option ‘filament_diameter’ in section ‘extruder’ must be specified”
I have added what I thought was relevant to the overrides, but no joy…(.cfg attached)
This is my first build of a liquid deposition printer, so here’s a little info on this project. This is a mod of a RatRig 400mm v-core 3.0 to print condensation cure silicone. As I mentioned in my first post. It uses a syringe(cold paste) extruder, with a non captive size 23 Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions 57mm stepper motor linear actuator. (See the link in first post for specs) There will not be a hotend or heated bed. In the past when I have played with “cold” extrusion. The firmware always throws errors of safety protocols for thermal runaway. Like “no thermistor detected, startup cancelled” Any insights on config for this subject?
I know it will require a custom extruder config also. Is there a generic template for “extruder” in Klipper?
I haven’t received it yet, but the plan is to use a “Pyr0-piezo” as a tool z-probe for the syringe tip. When the reservoir is changed, the tip location changes.
A BLTouch will be used to level the bed.