LGX-Lite extruder on Ebb42

can someone help me ? i am having a promblem with my LGX-Lite extruder on my Ebb42.
Every thing als is working but the extruder just gets hot but does´t turn. here is my EBBCan.cfg file
EBBCan.cfg (2.1 KB)

Please do not hijack threads with a totally different issue. Also post your klippy.log file

Sorry but i have been trying to get it working for the last six weeks, here is my klipper.log
klippy(27).log (1.5 MB)

I’m not using an EBB but according to the official BTT GitHub, your UART pin for the extruder is wrong. Ref to GitHub - bigtreetech/EBB (provided that you have an EBB v1.1. If not, all pins are wrong)

i`m using an EBB42 V1.2 and the original EBBCan.cfg from BTT, the only differace is the IO of the hotend, from PA2 to PB13

from your klippy.log:

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin = PE1
run_current = 0.65
stealthchop_threshold = 999999
interpolate = false
  • uart_pin is not assigned to the EBB
  • According to the BTT github site, the uart_pin is PA15

so you likely will need:

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: EBBCan:PA15
run_current: 0.650
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

Make sure not to “double define” [tmc2209 extruder]. This means, have it in the included EBBcan.cfg AND in the printer.cfg

i have renamed EBBCan.cfg to EBBCan.old and changed printer.cfg so all the pins are correct, i´ve done a restart, a Firmware restart, a host reboot and a shutdown but in the klipper log is still uart pin : PE1 and EBBCan.cfg is back again. i have renamed and edited printer.cfg in mainsailos ,with Notpad++ and with winscp and i have no idea what is going on and why

According to your log the printer.cfg is

ls -al /home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg
in the shell should reveal if you accidentally messed up the ownership (e.g. change to root) or its permissions.

In doubt, edit it in the shell with
nano /home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg
and after saving restart Klipper with
sudo service klipper restart

i did what you said, here is the answer

pi@mainsailos:~ $ ls -al /home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg
-rw-r–r-- 1 pi pi 19329 Feb 8 21:21 /home/pi/printer_data/config/printer.cfg

and edited printer.cfg to

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: EBBCan: PA15
run_current: 0.650
stealthchop_threshold: 999999

but here is the next log file
klippy(40).log (926.1 KB)

My system is a Voron 2.4 350 operating a Octopus V1.1 using the Can Bus on board to a BTT EBB42 V1.2 and a Raspberry Pi 4 Modell B; 4 GB with klipper v0.11.0-99-g56444815