Looking for a way to shutdown raspberry pi from ups

Basic Information:

Printer Model: ender 3 v2
MCU / Printerboard:btt mini e3 v3
Host / SBC pi3b+
klippy (12).log (76.7 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

Ive been having a few power cuts locally that mess up my prints and worried about SD card in the sbc with the grid auto resetting
ive got a small UPS coming for the printer and sbc and would like to trigger a shutdown of moonraker or the raspberry pi with for example a button/relay input when the battery gets low in the ups
does anyone know how to do this or a better way of doin this ?

How long are those power cuts? Seconds, minutes, or even hours?

sporadic most of the time its a few seconds to a minute but yesterday it was about 3 hours
so hoping the ups will pick up the slack on the short ones and print continue as normal, but on the long ones it will run till say 50%, then shut everything down or just kill the printer and leave the rpi powered up

Moonraker offers many possibilities to do so. The question is, how does your UPS indicate a low battery condition for any services to react upon.

For examples see:

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