Macro Help - Bed mesh load

Basic Information:

Prototype Cartesian Machine
BTT Octopus Max EZ
BTT Pad 7

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

My goal is to load a bed mesh based on bed temp coming from the slicer parameters and if this bed mesh is not stored, perform a bed mesh calibrate and save the profile as the bed temp parameter. Is there a conditional statement that can be issued to check if the bed mesh profile exists? Or to catch the klipper error created when bed_mesh_profile load=XXX is called and the named profile doesn’t exist?

Sorry in advance, I can’t currently upload the klippy.log as the printer is at work.

Thanks for the reference. I am assuming that profiles would be an array of text names that would have to be looped through to check if a given profile name exists. You would happen to know the correct syntax to reference the bed_mesh profiles so I can check if a profile exists in a macro?

I appreciate your responses. As I’m not a python expert like you, I am actually just looking for a conditional statement for determining if a bed mesh profile exists which seem pretty simple, as klipper saves them somewhere, but I don’t know where or how to reference in a macro.

The only example that I have found includes this, but it is referring to saved variables for different types of plates and meshes based on temp.
{% if printer.configfile.config["bed_mesh " + mesh_name] is defined %}
I don’t know if printer.configfile.config[“bed_mesh”+names ] contains all the bed mesh profiles that are saved.

Based on your jinga reference, I still really don’t know what I would use for the conditional statement. Something like this?

{% if“mesh_name”: any: bed_mesh.profile[Any] %}


The printer.bed_mesh.profiles variable is an object that maps all stored profile names to its configuration, including profiles that haven’t yet been saved to the persistent config by SAVE_CONFIG. You can test if a profile exists with the following statement:

{% if mesh_name in printer.bed_mesh.profiles %}
  ... do something
{% endif %}

Thank you. I figured it had to be easy.

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