Manta 8p z_tilt

Basic Information:

Printer Model: frankenvoron 1.8
MCU / Printerboard: manta 8p v2.o
klippy (24).log (1.1 MB)

Describe your issue:

hi everyone,
i have a voron 1.8 style printer with 2 z screws and manta 8p v2. im trying to make a z_tilt_adjust, but it"s not working as it should. i tried to switch the z motors, and almost everything i found on this subject. the probed points range is increasing. so, i need help. khanks

Hello @Ebro !

How do you tell? Do you get an error message?

I found this in the log:

Unknown command:"Z_TILT_AUTODETECT"

The autodetect is a try who not work. The error message is
Retries aborting: probed points range is increasing.
I changed the die pin with! And no change. Switch the motors, not working more.

Obviously you meant Z_TILT_ADJUST

Take care to run a G28 before. Does this run anyhow?

Also this:

If cabling is the same, the dir_pin in [stepper_z] and [stepper_z1] should both negated or not.

step_pin = PB8
dir_pin = !PB7              # <-------
enable_pin = !PE0
microsteps = 32
rotation_distance = 8
endstop_pin = probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_max = 280
position_min = -2
homing_speed = 8
second_homing_speed = 3
homing_retract_dist = 3
step_pin = PB4
dir_pin = PB3                # <-------
enable_pin = !PB6
microsteps = 32
rotation_distance = 8

I have tried both negated and z negated-z1 not negated and it change nothing. I did a stepper buzz to test the motors and the command only work with the z stepper. The stepper z1 have no reaction with the command.
Can it be a part of the issue?

If Z1 does not react at all, you should check the wiring and the MCU pins you used.

I used the pins in the manta 8p v2.0 config with motor 4 for z1. I did not changed the MCU pins of the example.

Eric Brochu

When you did the motor swap, was it the other motor that did not work or was it the same motor?

i got it! i didn"t wired it properly… on the manta 8p board, it have a motor 3A and motor 3B the z was on 3A and z1 on 3B… so, i put my z1 on the motor 4 socket and everything work properly.

thank you @EddyMI3D for your help.


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