Z_TILT_ADJUST starting a manual probe instead

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard: Manta M8P V1
Host / SBC: Rasberry PI 4 compute module
klippy.log (789.0 KB)

Describe your issue:


Having an issue where whenever I issue a Z_TILT_ADJUST command it moves to the first probe point and starts a manual probe. I’m expecting it to do a z probe at this point then move onto the next points then finally adjust the tilt without any manual probing.

This was working fine before I rebuilt the machine with a tool changing system. Previously I was using a BLTouch probe, now it uses a standard endstop switch (tool is unloaded).

For example, on the console:
< moves to first probe position >
// Starting manual Z probe. Use TESTZ to adjust position.
// Finish with ACCEPT or ABORT command.
// Z position: ??? → 5.000 ← ???

Any ideas on what is going on here?


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