Hello @lifeonlegendary !
Cack the bed-mesh corner point in conjunction withe the X and Y limits and the X/Y offset of the probe.
This is the by Klipper calculated points to probe:
bed_mesh: generated points
Index | Tool Adjusted | Probe
0 | (5.0, 44.0) | (19.0, 12.0)
1 | (50.0, 44.0) | (64.0, 12.0)
2 | (95.0, 44.0) | (109.0, 12.0)
3 | (140.0, 44.0) | (154.0, 12.0)
4 | (185.0, 44.0) | (199.0, 12.0)
5 | (185.0, 91.0) | (199.0, 59.0)
6 | (140.0, 91.0) | (154.0, 59.0)
7 | (95.0, 91.0) | (109.0, 59.0)
8 | (50.0, 91.0) | (64.0, 59.0)
9 | (5.0, 91.0) | (19.0, 59.0)
10 | (5.0, 138.0) | (19.0, 106.0)
11 | (50.0, 138.0) | (64.0, 106.0)
12 | (95.0, 138.0) | (109.0, 106.0)
13 | (140.0, 138.0) | (154.0, 106.0)
14 | (185.0, 138.0) | (199.0, 106.0)
15 | (185.0, 185.0) | (199.0, 153.0)
16 | (140.0, 185.0) | (154.0, 153.0)
17 | (95.0, 185.0) | (109.0, 153.0)
18 | (50.0, 185.0) | (64.0, 153.0)
19 | (5.0, 185.0) | (19.0, 153.0)
20 | (5.0, 232.0) | (19.0, 200.0) #<--
21 | (50.0, 232.0) | (64.0, 200.0) #<--
22 | (95.0, 232.0) | (109.0, 200.0) #<--
23 | (140.0, 232.0) | (154.0, 200.0) #<--
24 | (185.0, 232.0) | (199.0, 200.0) #<--