My printer stopped middle of print, randomly

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Voron v0.2r1 (LDO motor kit)
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Pico
Host / SBC: CB1

Describe your issue:

Hi, my print just stopped random after 20-25 minutes printing, i just changed usb cable and check all cables but it still happened :frowning: here is my klippy log, please help

klippy.log (1.7 MB)

See Timeout with MCU / Lost communication with MCU

In addition, your slicer is emitting arc commands, but you do not have arcs enabled in Klipper. I suggest turning it off in the slicer.

Thank you for quick reply,
I changed baudrate to 115200 (at cfg file in [mcu]) and it worked ok for now (just finished 2 prints which i failed lastime)
Should i change USB cable to UART? 250000 will be better than 115200?