New submission process for feature enhancements

I wonder how Marlin and Reprap firmware handle the matter.
Do they have much higher funding? The commits are abundant.

Having spent nearly a year tinkering, I wholeheartedly agree with this.

I run a customised version but have just focussed on code in areas where I want different behaviour and only occasionally stepped into other parts to fix ‘timer too close’ errors or similar; so I definitely haven’t yet got any sort high level view of how it works.

Like many, I just don’t have the time to spend several hours a week for a few weeks to study the code when I have other things I want to do, like design and print things!

I’m grateful to Kevin and others who’ve developed and improved Klipper and might be interested in working on and releasing code others wanted if it was something I also wanted, but my primary focus is to work on changes I find useful. It is, after all, my hobby and not my work.