Next Problem with the SKR 2 board

I got klipper compiled and installed on ma SKR 2 board.
When starting klipper, i get the error message:

TMC stepper_x failed to init: Timeout on wait for ‘tmcuart_response’ response

My config:

step_pin = PE2
dir_pin = PE1
enable_pin = !PE3
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40
endstop_pin = ^PC1
position_endstop = 260
position_max = 260
homing_speed = 50
homing_retract_dist = 0

in the log file I see:

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin = PE0
run_current = 0.8000
hold_current = 0.800
diag_pin =

Installed is a TMC2208
Whats wrong ?

You have a typo there:

Don’t watch Formula 1 and configure Klipper at the same time… There was from another config at the bottom the tmc2209 configuration…
But anyway, after an error in the config, Klipper shuts down and the board is not available anymore via USB. I have to switch the printer off and an to see it on my raspberry again…