Params Issue in Shell Command Extension

Hi, I am developing a kiosk interface and I developed a macro command in Mainsail. This command allows the WiFi configuration of the Raspberry Pi. I am using the shell-command plugin here. I managed to pass the SSID information to the command, but. I cannot pass the password information, which is the 2nd params. Does anyone have an idea?

My Macro Command:
[gcode_macro WIFI]
{% set ssid = params.SSID %}
{% set password = params.Password %}
RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=wifi_connection PARAMS={ssid}{password}

My .sh File:
nmcli device wifi list
sudo nmcli device wifi connect “$SSID” password “$PASSWORD”

Please do not delete the template. Stick to it.

Please attach the klippy.log to your next post.


AFAIK, multiple params need to be passed quoted and separated by blanks, e.g.

 RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=wifi_connection PARAMS="bla blubb"