Prints are not centered

When you align your extruder to center do you do the extruder itself or the tip of the nozzle

I ask because my prints are not at center and I think thats the error

Point of measurement is always the nozzle tip.

You may also check if the bed size is correctly set into Klipper and the slicer.

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Thanks for the quick answer I’ll adjust it and check

Here is my log file
klippylog.log (4.2 MB)

Im trying to figure out whats making the printer not start print at center.
Do I need to set a Position Min or Position endstop ?

How are you locating the part in the slicer? Slicer determines the part location on the bed. Check your bed setup in the slicer too. I move my parts around on the bed over prints to distribute wear on the bed, belts, and rails.

I place it at the center as well My Cura bed settings are the same as in klipper

Only thing I cant change in Cura is the extruder offset

You have to differentiate a few things as @EddyMI3D already pointed out:

  • endstop_position and position_min / position_max define the maximum travel lengths for the axes of your kinematic system
  • These values are your printer’s X0 / Y0
  • The effective printable area is different, since the tip of your nozzle has an offset to these endstops
  • The slicer also defines its print plate as the area that is reachable by the tip of the nozzle

→ You get an offset from the center and you typically also either:

  1. Cannot use the whole print bed for printing because you would hit the max travel before OR
  2. You could even print outside of your bed because your bed is smaller than the max travel allows

If it is 1. or 2. depends on the layout of your printer.

Some slicers allow to compensate for this fact by additional settings, i.e. Prusa Slicer:

Ok My bed size is X 300 x Y 255
X 295 and Y 230 this is the area that the nozzle could reach

Thats why my probing are is X290 x Y 190 and it probes fine

But when the print starts its start on front left corner of the printer were it should be at center

Are you running Klipper on OctoPrint or something else?

Im running Klipper with fluidd

So, the usable area is on the left lower corner or in the middle?

If it is in the middle, you have to take the offset into consideration with your endstop positions in stepper_x and stepper_y.

E.g, If the usable area is in the middle, those values should be:

position_endstop = -2.5
position_endstop = -12.5