Probe Calibration reset

I use a Creality Ender 5 S1 and I have been having frequent bed levelling issues. The only time I get a really good print is if I reset Klipper to factory default settings and go thru the process of setting up my printer. Now during this setup process, at the probe levelling stage (followed by manual bed levelling and the auto levelling the bed mesh), when the homing Z-axis takes place, it settles at 4.96 mm. Then I have to do z-offset calibration using paper and I eventually get to -1.43. At the next stage (manual bed levelling), I go through the process and level the bed and then following that with the auto level feature.
I get good prints for a few days till I have to adjust the z-offset again. Now when I do the probe calibration, I never get the 4.96 reading… it is always between 5.97 and 6.22. I adjust the offset once again, but now there are always errors happening.

Why is this number different now? and how can I reset only the probe calibration setting… (Factory reset means going thru the hassle of doing all the PID calibrations and the resonance calibrations every time).
Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Hello @DreamWalker !

For problems, issues etc please use the subforum: General Discussion.

Can you please share the klippy.log?

Attached is the Klippy log and the printer config
klippy.log (13.6 KB)
printer.cfg (6.7 KB)

Could it be that you run the Creality Sonic Pad?

Yes… Sorry I did not mention that earlier

Then you may notice this:

This approach would be very really risky given my very limited knowledge of 3D printers.