Basic Information:
Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:
Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log
file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg
is not needed
Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
Describe your issue:
…can someone tell me what i have wrong here
[gcode_macro PROBE_DOWN]
SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=1
[gcode_macro PROBE_UP]
SET_PIN PIN=probe_enable VALUE=0
[output_pin probe_enable]
pin: PA1 # Set to the control pin on your board
value: 0
pin: ^PC14 # NOTE FOR V2 users: Set this to ^!PC14 to set the low level trigger
deactivate_on_each_sample: False
x_offset: -40
y_offset: -35
z_offset: 0 # Will be overridden when you do a PROBE_CALIBRATE
samples: 2
samples_tolerance: 0.05
samples_tolerance_retries: 3
G4 P500
screw1: 30,35
screw1_name: Left-Front
screw2: 200,35
screw2_name: Right-Front
screw3: 200,205
screw3_name: Right-Back
screw4: 30,205
screw4_name: Left-Back
speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 1
screw_thread: CW-M3