Raspberry Pi 5?

I currently have Klipper installed on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB model), which was a pain to acquire when I wished to build a Klipper controller for my printer, as they were only available from scalpers at the time. I ultimately paid the extortion. I had several other projects planned for Raspberry Pis that were also put on hold, as new Pis were hard to find.

Now, after plenty of time has gone by, I have FINALLY received my first Raspberry Pi 5 (8 GB) with another (4 GB) coming soon. I am contemplating where there would be any benefit of upgrading the unit running Klipper to the Pi 5 or use it for another project. I just knew I wanted the latest and greatest without a defined purpose yet at the time of pre-order. Are there tasks that currently push the limits of a Raspberry Pi 4 that might have more breathing room on the 5?

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The Pi 4 is already much faster than required, even when running a touchscreen and high resolution webcam.

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The Pi 5 is really fast compared to Pi4 Benchmarking Raspberry Pi 5 - Raspberry Pi
That monster is something for https://libreelec.tv or other similar applications.

Sorry to jump on this thread but is there any point in the Pi4 8gb for klipper or is the 4gb enough for high speed printing with nozzle cam & web cam?

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