RepRap Display doesn't work properly (not a help request)

Basic Information:

Printer Model: S1 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: STM32F4

Reprap Discount display needs two files to be patched for it to work properly.

Mentioned in detailed here,

Can these patches be incorporated into main?

After installing the latest Klipper, I too have a garbled display with offset characters, running on a stock Ender 3 Pro. The printer contains a version 4.2.2 board with an STM clone (GD32F103) for the mcu. I assume it also has an ST7920 variant, probably due to part sourcing/shortage issues, resulting in the bad display behavior.

I believe this is the same issue referenced here:
Ender 3 pro lcd Text lines jumbled - General Discussion - Klipper

Incorporating these two files would be helpful as I would like to stay current on the main Klipper branch rather than having to potentially merge every time I grab a newer release. These changes also shouldn’t result in any negative impact when running on a genuine ST7920.

Thank you!