Basic Information:
Printer Model: Ender 3
MCU / Printerboard: SKR Pico
klippy (3).log (4.0 MB)
Describe your issue:
Printer is running but getting SB2040 shutdown: timer too close error. I have tried new USB cable and new power supply but it keeps stopping a few layers in the print. Temperatures recorded on the boards were around 45C no nothing crazy. Need help not sure what to try next
Adding some more information to see if it helps determine the issue. The SKR pico is being used as a can bridge, setup for the pico was done from rootiest github with the only change using 1000000 can bus speed. When setup at 500000 I had timing error during homing of Z.
zippy-klipper_config/ at master · rootiest/zippy-klipper_config · GitHub
For the canbus wiring I twisted the yellow and white wires that came in the kit and I have the termination resistor on both side. With power off to the system I read 60 ohms across the pair of wires. I can communicate with the SB2040 for homing (using voron tap for Z), probe accuracy for 1000 cycles with no faults, and do input shaping for X which uses the accelerometer on the SB2040. I tried my first print with the printer and I get random shutdowns within the first 10 layers of printing a benchy. I have tried 2 different slicers and different speeds and I still get the timer too close error. I have tried 2 different power supplies for the raspberry pi and 2 different USB cables. When the shutdown happens I do not see the SB2040 or the raspberry pi (BTT cb4) above 50 C so I don’t believe heat is the issue. I am not sure how to get useful information from the log file so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Any ideas? I just switched my can network from the SKR Pico to a RS485 can hat and switched from a CB1 to a raspberry zero 2W and I am still getting the SB2040 shutdown error.
klippy (8).log (5.8 MB)
I can’t offer any advice, but I can say I’m using an SB24040 on my V2.4 with zero issues. I’m using a CB1 on a Manta M4P, MKS CANable clone, a pair of Huvuds for A and B motors, and the SB2040 on my toolhead. All of this is to say the software works fine for me and leads me to believe the issue is hardware/wiring for you.
Would you have any suggestions on what to check? Did you twist the yellow and white wires on the cable mellow provided? Only wires connected to the SB2040 are the 2 fans, LED’s, and the voron tap switch. The voron tap was wired like the link below, and I have 2 SB2040’s doing the same thing but the one is showing high MCU temps due to me wiring the tap wrong the first. I thought the problem was from my miss wire issue but after ordering a second and wiring it up correct everything seems to work till I print. I thought it might have been temperature related because if I blow a fan on the SB2040 it will print longer but still gets the same error but takes longer to happen. Could 1mbps bitrate be too high and I should try 500 like mellow guide?