Sensorless homing help

trying to get sensorless homing on my hypercube evolution working, with klipper/raspberry pi 4 4gb and btt octopus with btt tmc2209 drivers.

I went through the sensorless homing section and i can issue g28 x or g28 y and as long as i do either like this they home great. however if i use my homing overide

g28 x
g4 p2000
g1 x200
g28 y
g4 p2000
g1 y200
g28 z

(sorry had to type it out with phone)
if i use this then i homes x perfectly, waits 2 seconds moves to bed center and then doesnt move y just straight to z.

I thought it was skipping y but it is not. if I drop sensitivity down to around 50 it will try and home y through the printer extrusions jumping the belts. there is no happy spot for y. it is either to harsh or to soft.
Has anyone had a similar issue? i cant go to mechanical endstops on this printer due to its specific design (not a typical hypercube)

i guess what really confuses me is why does it work when i issue the individual command but not with the override gcode, shouldnt it essentially be the same thing?

well interesting development if I swap the x and y and let y home first it works fine… confusing but ill take it.

It’s important that the 2 second delay is after any movement on x or y. So, you would need to home x, move back on x, then_delay, then home y.


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i thought thats what the G4 P2000 does correct? Or is there a better command that I could use in its place.

You have g1 x200 immediately followed by g28 y with no pause in between.

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ok thank you, ill give that a try and see what happens. I really appreciate yalls assistance.