
Basic Information:

Printer Model: JG Maker Artist-D IDEX
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Robin Pro / EBB42
klippy.log Not needed for this question.

Describe your issue:


I had some mpu6050 accelerometers and I was reading that they are too slow for the job.

I am configuring a printer with an MKS Robin Pro. Can I connect and configure [adxl345] using my U2C and EEB42 just to get it calibrated for SHAPER_CALIBRATE and then remove it after the calibration data is saved? Or does this feature require the accelerometer to be permanent?

Thank you,

This is old information and no longer relevant. It would make sense to refer to the official documentation, where you will find config examples for the MPUs.

No, does not need to be permanent but there are more elegant solutions, e.g. Raspberry Pi Pico + ADXL345: Portable resonance measurement or ready made, e.g.

First, thank you for your diligence in providing support.

A while back on Amazon I saw a nice pcb pre-packaged soliton for $25, but was too much and the EBB42 is only $12 if you buy the two pack. I have 18 of those coming for a printer I want to play around with building. I just looked again and BTT has a pico assembled board for $13.99, I will give that guy a try.

I am doing an old filament print test of a benchy. The printing sound level is notably more silent with klipper. I do not have TMC enabled, or input shaping yet.

Also, I am assuming since BTT has a huge logo at the top of the supporters page that they $upport klipper generously. So buying from them is easy becasue I was already.

Thank you again,

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