Hi, I have an issue of motherboard not detect to klipper so that I can’t mentioed [mcu] serial without port detections.
I try all the thing which is mentioned on klipper installation document aswell as community post for that but I am not getting result.
Need help to achieve the goal.
Hardware : SKR-3 v3, Rpi-3, waveshare 5inch touch display
I directly copy .cfg file from github and flash it though SD card using make . It successfully flash because firmware.bin file rename to firmware.cur file.
I further check for port using ls /dev/serial/by-id/* this command but it;s give error like ls: cannot access ‘/dev/serial/by-id/*’: No such file or directory. without that I can not connect to MCU.
Typically yes, but it also will potentially flash a firmware compiled with wrong settings. Getting the settings and MCU type correct is of extreme importance.
Thanks for sharing. I go through it and I check low level config for motherboard in that I didn’t mention crystal value that’s why port not detect. After I set the value and flashed firmware it give output of port.